Thursday, July 23, 2015

"Little Tiffany Rose" and "Bethany Willow" Tuckasegee, North Carolina~

Come on Bethany there's deer outside!

MOM! There's deer in the corn!

WOW, I've never seen deer before!

Where did they go????

Hi Sue,

Hope this finds all of you well and things going great! The photos of Tiffany were one of those things which just happened. Couldn’t imagine they were in the field while we were outside. I heard a noise in the corn and noticed flattened areas. Well I decided it was time to hurry inside. Tiffany could hear them and naturally wanted to check it out but that's a "no go" from Mom! I knew she couldn't resist looking outside so I snapped a few photos. Bethany, of course, has seen many deer and this didn’t arouse her interest at all.

Keep me in your prayers and I always pray for you and all.

Hugs and love,

Cherrie’, Bethany and Tiffany