Monday, August 18, 2014

"Ranger" from Hot Springs Village, Arkansas~

Hi Susan,

Sorry to hear about your medical issues. We are sending good wishes to you!

Ranger was running out to get the paper as he does every morning, and dislocated his knee! To avoid surgery, he had to stay immobile for FOUR WEEKS! He was such a good boy. This video was at the end of the third week when his patience was wearing a little thin. Fortunately, his knee heeled wonderfully and he is back to normal, although his lab sister, Heidi, now has the "get the paper" duties.

Hot Springs Village, AR

Note from Mama Sue~

I just discovered this post from Kaynella from last June that never made it to the blog. If any of you send me an email that you don't see posted, please remind me to put it on here. Thank you one and all!