Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Miss Emily" from Quincy, Massachusetts~

Hi Mama Sue,
It's me Emily stopping in to say hello! We are
having beautiful Fall weather up here in Quincy,
and I am really enjoying playing in my yard amongst
all the flowers,pumpkins and hay stacks. Yesterday while
traveling along on "Emily Ave." to the far corner of the
backyard, I noticed to my surprise that a big old corn
stalk had invaded my domain again this year. Just so
you know, Mama Sue, it didn't scare me this year.
I gave it a few barks and sniffs but that was
that. Last year it really scared me, but not this year because
I am a big girl now.

This year for Halloween I'm going to be a pumpkin. Mom
tried my costume on me today and took these pictures..hope
you like them.
Mom says to tell you she loves your blog and reading about
all the adventures and misadventures of my High Calling
Cocker family.
Love you Mama Sue,
Your Little Emily