Saturday, February 4, 2012

Mr. Watson and Mr. Wyatt from North Tonawanda, New York~

Hello Sue,
I hope all is well with you and your family. I am sure you are enjoying your little granddaughter. I have no news yet, should be any day now for my first grandchild. Well I cannot believe that Mr. Watson is now a year old today. He has turned into such a handsome guy. I have enclosed a few pics of him and Mr. Wyatt. Watson says to tell you he even forgives you for sending than bossy Wyatt here to live. We gave Watson new toys today for his birthday and of course Wyatt has claimed them and poor Watson is playing with old toys (lol). They will eventually play with them together but new toys Wyatt claims and Watson backs off from him.

Watson has taken on the job of looking out for the hubby. Everywhere he goes Watson is right there and keeps Wyatt from jumping on him as he recovers from his hip surgery. I think Watson feels like he needs to protect his daddy.He is such a loyal guy. We love him so much and cant wait for our youngest daughter to meet him and Wyatt in July when they come home for a visit this summer. I will keep you updated for when I become a Grandma.

There are 2 pics of Watson enjoying his day and 2 of Watson and Wyatt. Again Thank-you for such great guys. I get so many compliments on the two of them.

God Bless You for all you do

Dot, Dennis, Mr. Watson