Sunday, January 1, 2012

Emily from Quincy, Massachusetts~

Hi Mama Sue,

It's me Emily writing to wish you a Very Happy New Year and to
tell you about Christmas at our house. Oh Mama Sue, Santa
finally came and filled my stocking. My stocking was empty for
a few days but my family kept telling me Christmas Eve would
soon be here and Santa would surely fill my stocking because
I have been a very good girl!!! They were right because when I
woke up Christmas Day there was my stocking full to over-flowing.
Santa brought me loads of toys and I love playing with every one
of them.
Oh Mama Sue our Christmas buffet was great with all kinds of
good things to eat; my special favorite was the cheese platter.
Cheese is one of my favorite things, Swiss, Gouda, Havarti, American,
makes no difference - I love them all.
Before Christmas my Mom was looking on your blog and when
she came across pictures of my brothers, Bojangles from Ware, MA
and Dusty from Moose Island, Maine, she called everyone to come and look at
them - even ME. They both looked very happy and healthy and we were all
so glad to see them and hear how they were doing. I hope my sister, Gracie
from Harrisburg, PA is happy and healthy as well.
I'm still waiting for the snow fall to come to Quincy and look forward to
climbing Mt. Emily. I'll be sure to send you a picture. Love you Mama Sue
and thank you for letting me come to live with my family.

Your Little Emily