Monday, March 29, 2010

Shane (Oliver) from Oyster Bay, New York~

Hi Susan,
Here is a pic I took of Shane tonight. He hasn't had his first trim yet, but will this Thursday before Easter, when he will be among a lot of family.
 I enjoy your blog, and seeing how all of Shane's little cousins are doing. Shane is so affectionate, even with other people who have held him in their arms.

And Happy Palm Sunday to you too! I went to Mass today at St. Dominics here in Oyster Bay. They have a very beautiful old Chapel. My parents were married there, and other family members/funerals etc.

Anyway the Passion was read, and when got to the part where Christ died, there was a brief silence and pause. At that very moment, a Starling that was inside the Church flew up to the very top of the cross that was on the altar, and alighted there for about 20 seconds.

Everyone in the church was in awe. It really was amazing.
