Monday, December 7, 2009

Bella from Tuckasegee, North Carolina~

Mom took me to the Nursing Center today to visit Grammy. Then she told me we had to go to the Director of Nursing, the Activities Director and then downstairs to meet Steve in Administration because I have a very important job. What's a job? As long as it involves tons of love, petting and belly rubs I'm all for it. While we were downstairs Mom and I had to have our pictures taken. Well, they weren't too sure how they were going to get my photo, the camera was attached to the computer, until Mom asked them where they wanted me. Guess what? Mom had me sit in the chair without my leash, then gave the commands "wait" then "watch me" which I did. They couldn't believe I did this without the leash! In fact they told us this was the first time one of the pet volunteers had followed commands while the photo was taken and being processed (I don't really know what that means) but I got a shiny new badge which I wear on my visits. I'm sending you a copy, I hope my new badge photo came through.

I love reading about all the High Calling Cocker puppies. Maybe I need to talk with Bonnie or Lani about this sister thing.

Tail wagging happy thoughts and puppy kisses,
Bella (It's time for a nap after work)