Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dear Susan,

We are finally home. It was wonderful to finally meet you! I hope I will be coming again soon for a sister for our boy. We were an hour late leaving Buffalo and eleven people including us missed our Atlanta connection, so we had to spend the night in Philadelphia. We were put on a flight this morning at 6:00. After landing in Atlanta we met with my sister and her family so they could meet their new nephew and cousin. They are in love just as we are. We were worried about the pup with all the changes, but he did great. He’s a wonderful traveler, and everyone who saw him was in awe of his beauty and sweet disposition. Last night at the motel, he noticed his reflection in the mirror on the closet door. He ran, played, licked, and pawed his reflection, and we laughed so hard it hurt. We stopped several times on the way home so he could use the bathroom. We fed him the puppy food dry on the way home, and he likes the little red ones ( torn in half) best. We had a water bottle and a little narrow bowl we had taken with us and he drank often from it in the car. At home he has explored and discovered where his food and water will be. He’s so cute when his feet slide a little on the kitchen floor. I’m going to get a mat for him tomorrow, so he can eat in peace. Ha! We have played with his toys, and he likes this little one with some tiny knotted strings the best. We have tested them all for safety. Right now he is snoozing on the wooden bottom of the coffee table. Dixie and Precious both liked that spot. I think they feel secure and are positioned so they won’t miss a thing. I can’t believe how happy we all are, and it’s all because of your High Calling. I will send some pictures soon. We are tired but, oh, so happy and thankful for this tiny blessing that has been added to our family.

Lots of love,
PS – Christian is blissful and they have really bonded.