Monday, December 7, 2009

Maisy from Rockledge, Florida~

Momma Sue,Look at me with my new friend! I love her:) We have really worn each other out! Boy have I had an exciting 4 days with my new family in Florida. I've gone to the Dr. who says I look GREAT, met my new doggie sister, Molly. I'm not sure why Molly doesn't absolutely love me yet...I've tried, I even thought I'd let her play mommy! I think she is doing that adjusting word I hear. I have fell in love with my new family! They have taken me for car rides, taken me for walks and even took me on a day trip to Boca Raton! I have done that adjusting word too::) I have adjusted to the Sherpa, the play- yard and the crate. Of course I howl or as my new daddy says...Cocker doodle do's... when I am wanting to play and am not tired. I am learning that doesn't get me my way. Everyone in my new family says I am an angel! They want to thank youfor making me so wonderful. They can't believe how great I am. Oh, and this potties thing....I'm getting that about wired. But wow, it seems like such a long way to the door sometimes, my new family sometimes carry me outside if they think I have to go badly...wake when I wake up.I'm tired now and ready to nap...tell my mommy Crystal - I love her and that I am loved very much's great to be a part of this family too. My new momma Rose Ann says she is forever grateful to you for me.....whatever that means...Cocker Doodle Do's...and lots of love toos:)Maisy from Florida