Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Miss Libby" and her mommy, "Starr" from Lewiston, New York~

Mama Sue saying goodbye to her sweet Starr

Starr in her new home

Starr is happy to be with her baby, Libby~

Libby and Starr enjoying their Easter Baskets! 

Two perfect cockers!

Two very spoiled dogs!
Dear Sue,
Here some pictures of the girls from yesterday and today. Starr is doing is doing great and Libby is happy to have someone to play with outside. Since the fenced area is finished they have spent quite a lot of time outside playing. They got lamb chop toys, a new spring collar and cookies in the easter baskets. We are getting used to Starr's sonar. She can find us quickly any where in the house, she is a good fit here as George was a sonar tech . Hope you had a wonderful Easter we sure did here. Thank you again for Starr and Libby they are so wonderful and now I can't imagine life without them.

Love Brenda