Bethany in her sick bed after being stung or bitten, running a fever.
Spent Sunday at the Vet's office
TIFFANY BANNED from sick room.
She was stung by a honeybee on Sunday too.
What a day!
Hi Sue,
I pray everyone is making excellent strides in the recovery process. This weekend it seemed I’d joined the ranks of caregiver and caretaker. Late Saturday Bethany’s right front paw became very red and her end toe was
badly swollen. Needless to say I called the vet and she had me give her a baby aspirin and Benadryl to see if that would help. Next thing I knew Tiffany was on the patio, saw a clover flower with a happy bee. Before I could do anything she grabbed the bee in her mouth. She was shaking her head from side to side and then she spat the bee out. He had given her a beginning pop as his stinger was still hanging. Another phone call to the vet and she told we to give her a whole Benadryl and just watch for any swelling or other unusual reactions.
Saturday night wasn’t much better as Bethany couldn’t calm down and was shaking. Well, I ended up sleeping on the floor next to Bethany just to have a quieter night.
Next morning I called the vet and we met at her office. She checked it out and she was running a fever along with her badly swollen toe. She is now on Prednisone, pain meds and an antibiotic. I will be very glad when they’re all back to normal! May blessings be on you as you go through puppy hood and caring for those dear ones near you.
Give my love and best wishes to Mike and all the Martins.
Cherrie’, Bethany, and Tiffany