Saturday, April 19, 2014
Note from Mama Sue~
Good afternoon to all my High Calling Cocker family!
I hope you have all had a blessed holy week, and made it to church on Maundy Thursday to remember the Last Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ, and on Good Friday to remember His passion and Crucifixion. Tomorrow morning we will all rejoice in His rising from the dead. I hope you can enjoy being with your church family tomorrow, and if you don't have a church, I hope you can look up a service now, so you'll get there in the morning. Easter is always so glorious and I hope you don't miss it!
I want to let you all know that I have been having a terrible time with Yahoo SiteBuilder, which is the publishing tool I've used to publish my High Calling Cocker website all these years. As you have probably noticed, I haven't been able to update my site since St. Patrick's Day. They are not allowing any changes, and it's so embarrassing for me to have the St. Patrick's Day theme on there. They won't even give me a current phone number to call for customer support, so my hand's are tied.
I hope you all bookmark the blog, and save this URL address. If you are using the website to use that link to get to the blog, and I end up having to delete the website, I want you all to still be able to get to the blog.
If anyone sends me an email that you don't want put on the blog, please make mention of that in your email subject line. Also, if you have sent me an email that I have either not received or lost, please resend it, or at least bring it to my attention so I can go back and look for it. I love to hear from my High Calling Cocker family!
Please give your cocker kids a hug and kiss from me. I miss them all so much. God bless you for giving them all such wonderful homes!
I wish you all a blessed Easter!
Much love,
Mama Sue