Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Cooper" from Quincy, Massachusetts~

Donna with her new baby, Cooper

Cooper and Emily

Hi Mama Sue,

It's me Cooper from Quincy, Massachusetts. I arrived at Logan Airport,
February 1st around 10:00 pm. Mommy and Daddy dressed me in my
new sweater and collar, wrapped me in a fleece blanket and headed out
into the cold to our car. After a short time I enjoyed my ride home and
cuddled up close to my Mommy.

When we arrived home I met my brother Tim and my sister Emily. Tim
fell in love with me right off, but I think it is going to take Emily some
time to adjust to me. I am hoping it won't take very long because I already
love her.

My first night home I slept from 11:30 pm to 7:30 am. I did a doodle on
my wee-wee pad in the kitchen but a few minutes later did a wee-wee on
the kitchen floor. Oh well, 50/50 not so bad for a new pup.

I'll write again soon and let you know of my new adventures and progress.
Thank you for letting me come here Mama Sue, I'll try and make you proud
of me.

Your Little Cooper aka "Coop"