Monday, July 16, 2012
"Miss Emily" from Quincy, Massachusetts~
Hi Mama Sue,
We just returned from our vacation in Vermont and everyone had a great
time. The weather was the best it has ever been. We spent a lot of time
out on our deck looking at the mountains off in the distance and I especially
liked watching the red squirrels scurrying up and down the pine trees and
the birds and butterflies flying from bush to bush. We had a lot of chickadees
in the trees and beautiful monarch butterflies everywhere.
My mom bought me my very own Vermont Moose that I loved playing and
sleeping with.
We did a three mile hike on Mt. Equinox in Manchester, Vermont. I started
out on a leash, but then a little ways in on the path the leash came off and I
could run free. I took a few side trails all by myself, but when I heard the
clapping of hands or my name, back I would go to my brother. There were
so many good smells to explore in the woods, I had the best time ever.
When we finally made it to Lookout Rock, Mom had to sit down and rest;
actually we all had to rest, but at least I found some shade under the branch
of a spruce tree.
We spent about four hours everyday at the pool. I kept comfortable under the
umbrella and laying on the wet cement. Every so often I would walk over to the
edge of the pool and give a kiss to whoever wanted one (naturally,
everyone wanted a kiss from me!!).
It is always nice to have a new adventure, but I was very happy to see my
own house and backyard again.
Hope you are enjoying the summer and remember I love you lots and lots.
Your Little Emily