On the day after Thanksgiving 2010, I flew up to Buffalo. You met me in the airport with Abby wrapped in a fleece blanket, all four pounds of her. After a few minutes doing paperwork, I carried her right back through security and boarded the next plane home. I was gone less than four hours. When I arrived home with a new puppy, my boys were overjoyed. We had recently lost our 12 year old Cocker Betsy and now there was a fill in the void.
In the months since, we've focused on training, discipline, learning good behaviors and LOTS of playing. I highly recommend reading every dog training book you can get your hands on and I strongly suggest crate taining. "Abs" picked it all up very quickly and has been a pleasure from that first day. She LOVES to play fetch, cuddle and run around with other dogs. She'd just as soon play rough with a rope toy as she would sit in a lap (any lap will do) and enjoy having her ears scratched. Her big, brown eyes melt me, and her boundless energy and enthusiasm keep me going no matter how my day has been.
There's been quite a bit of loss in my family this year and Abby has been through it all with me. She's listened to my secrets, her fur has soaked up my tears and she forces me to smile every day. Every minute with her has been a pleasure so far. Her sweet, playful disposition and the mere fact that she's so cute make people stop and notice her and compliment me on how wonderful my puppy is. She's also been the catalyst for a few of the good things that have happened to me recently, and as corny as it may sound, I love sharing the experiences with her.
I wish I could take ten more Cockers just like Abs, but besides the impracticality of it, I just don't think I could love another puppy quite like I love her. I honestly believe that everything happens for a reason. I'm glad Keri found you, and I'm glad you gave us the sweetest puppy in the litter. Best wishes to you and your family.