Saturday, January 1, 2011

Emily from Quincy, Massachusetts~

Happy New Year Sue,

We send you our very best wishes for a wonderful New Year. Thank you ever so much for the updates and pictures of all our High Calling Cocker babies over this past 2010 year. Of course, this was a special year for us because Starr gave birth to Emily and you were kind enough to let her come and live with us. As you know, we needed her badly; and our little girl is everything we hoped for and SO MUCH MORE.
Another Christmas has come and gone - I couldn't let it go without sending along a couple of pictures of Emily's 1st Christmas. She really enjoyed getting into her stocking and pulling out all her toys. By the end of the day she was completely tuckered out. What is that saying "position is everything," well here she is in all her glory and every time we look at this picture, we have to laugh.
We finally got that snow they said was coming; more than any of us really wanted, well almost everyone..little Miss Emily Brown loves the snow. We had this huge mound of snow on our side lawn, that we soon dubbed Mt. Emily - as she loved climbing it and surveying her domain.
I wish I could have Tinsel come and live with us, but one puppy is about all I can manage. Hopefully, a nice family will come along real soon and want him for their very own. He looks like such a precious little love.

Thanks again Sue for everything you do for all of us and especially for our baby
