Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bethany Willow from Tuckasegee, North Carolina~

Hi Sue,
It was so wonderful to meet you after all this time. Just wish it could have been a longer visit! We let the girls meet at the groomers shop. Bella was a little "put out" by me (she didn't like being left behind). Bethany Willow adores Bella. It will take Bella a few days to get use to her sister. Bella willingly sniffed Bethany, then she watched her from a distance. Bella is beginning to see her position isn't threatened. I fed and watered her first. She gets those special "Mom" touches and she knows I still love her.
I gave Bethany her first bath in her new home. Her tummy didn't do very well on the long flight and with all the excitement! She's in her sleeping kennel and boy can she HOWL! Bella looked at me like, "Mom, can't you take her back!" After a few minutes of heartbreaking cries, Bethany calmed down and is now asleep. She love Emma and Charlie. She also discovered the white clover flowers and had a blast slapping them and bouncing on them.
We're all tired but I'll check in tomorrow after our special visits. God bless you and all.
Cherrie', Bella and baby Bethany