Hi Susan:
Just wanted to say hello, and to say that Shane is doing really well.
He is so intelligent and affectionate. It is such a pleasure to watch him grow and mature--discover new things, birds, etc.
Once in a while, when he is attentive over something, I see him sort of posing, like a dog would in a show. I have tried to take pictures of him , but like I say, it is hard to get him standing still for a shot. Enclosed are a couple of pics of Shane is a sort of pose. (while barking at the patio Umbrella)
I attribute the extra attention to birds and squirrels etc to the breed. (Bird and Gun Dog)
Right now he is sleeping. He is growing so fast! Almost 12 pounds last week.
He still sleeps with me every night. He sort of moves closer to my head now towards the morning, making little grunting noises to remind me that he has to go out to pee and poop. Eventually with his neck across mine, breathing so contentedly. I can't tell you how cozy it is!
I call the noises he makes little piglet noises. As I say, he is so cozy, and totally housebroken, a lot sooner than I expected. Making no demands given his age etc.
My mother takes care of Shane during the day when I am working, She will be sending you an e-mail or two about Shane.
Frankly, I knew that she would grow attached to Shane, but I never thought just how much. And Shane loves her as much as he does me.
He just woke up,and is looking at the door, so I think he has to go out.