Thursday, March 18, 2010

Mitzi from Henrietta, New York~

Dear Mama Sue

I had my 1st Vet visit today, got a shot in my hiney and I didn't even cry!

You must know I am very well fed cause I have gained 4lbs. since I saw Dr. Albert on 2/18. I am now 9-1/4 lbs.

My vet here Dr. Michelle Brownstein just couldn't stop smooching me and telling me how beautiful I am.

I love all the attention, I am a real ham.

Learning so many things. I can fetch,sit, come when called, I just get smarter by the day.

We had a lot of snow but it has melted and my new yard is drying up. I love going out there. I have a fenced yard so my Mom & Dad, (I know him as Papa). don't have to worry about me getting out.

I have made them so happy! I am the beginning and end of their day.They tell me I am their joy.

Say hello to all my family and God bless you. I love you
