Little Holly was beside herself with excitement when the band arrived for music practice last night!
After greeting all the musicians she settled in to enjoy some of the tunes! It doesn't get much
cuter than this!
I think I'm gonna have to re-write the words to Ralph Stanley's famous song Polly - Pretty Polly.
It'll be something like:
Holly, Pretty Holly - Come Go Along with ME -
Holly, Little Holly come go along with me ....
Let's go for a walk and some pleasure we'll see!
We'll hike over mountains and valleys so deep,
I'll take you over mountains and valleys so deep,
We'll run in the fields and climb hills so steep.
I got a ways to go - there are about 8 verses! LOL.
She's doing so well. She is bright and gets into mischief
with her favorite game being "Steal the tissue from the wastebasket
and watch mum and dad try to catch me!" She knows if she goes into
the bathroom and tips over the plastic waste can...we'll be there
on the spot...she waits for us - rump up in the air and tail wagging -
then the chase is on! It's kinda cute - she initiates this as play.
It's HOLLY's very own game of tag!
We love her.