Thursday, March 4, 2010

Archie from Fleetwood, Pennsylvania~

We just can't believe that Archie will be One Year Old tomorrow! We wish all of the other lady doggies in Archie's litter Happy Birthday, especially Sophie and Katie. Sue, I'll bet you cannot fathom all of the love that your gorgeous cocker spaniels bring into homes across this great nation. I was watching bits and pieces of some dog show the other night and they were acknowledging great breeders and I was looking for you! I'm sure that anyone with one of your sweet babies would want you up there on a pedestal for all of the hard work that you do to provide us with such even tempered cockers! Thank you Sue, from the bottom of my heart as Archie has brought so much into our home, love, kisses, new faces through the dog classes, and lets not forget the exercise, just to name a few.

Archie has grown into such a fine dog. The trainer said that he has great expectations for Archie as a therapy dog when he is a bit more mature. The need is so great for these dogs and it will be interesting to see at what capacity he will be able to help fulfill that need. Of course we owe everything to God's Glory and what an honor it would be to be a "Lutheran Therapy Dog", visit with the shut-ins, visit with the Sunday School classes, visit members who are in the hospital or even those suffering the loss of a loved one, maybe even come to worship service with us. The Lord will lead us in the direction where He feels we are needed.
God Bless you Mamma Sue, we love you!
Archie sends his kisses to you even if he did have his head in the kitty litter box!!!!
With Love and Peace to you,