Well....I'm a day late. November 1st is the day you put your Christmas Cactus in the dark. I knew it was coming. I planned for it. And I still missed it. LOL
However...today my beautiful cactus was put in complete darkness for one month. I will take it back out on December 1st....or maybe December 2nd if I'm late again. But soon thereafter, little buds will form, and I will have beautiful flowers at Christmas time! So if you have a Christmas Cactus, be sure to stow it away. There are some years when I have put it in a black garbage bag, and set it in the basement away from light. Today I just set it in the bottom cupboard of an old china cabinet I NEVER open. There is no light in there, and it will be perfect. I will have to be sure to add it to my calendar to get it out of there in time, so I'll have gorgeous flowers for the holidays. I hope you do too!