Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Bella from North Carolina~
Hi Sue,
I just wanted to send you the warmest thank you! It has been so amazing to watch Bella at the Nursing Center. They moved Mom into the Alzheimer's Unit but they soon discovered that she isn't the "typical" Alz. patient. With her blindness the staff must be "her eyes" and they're having difficulty adjusting. Last week was a really bad week because they weren't meeting Mom's needs. Because of her blindness the other patients are beginning to realize they can take her glasses off her face, reach for something she's holding and all of the endless possibilities. Her safety must be first and foremost which they're beginning to realize. I've met every day with different department heads and I don't know if we're making a great deal of progress yet. I pray this week is better!
Anyway, Bella is the "Queen" of the unit! Our little kisser wasn't an accident! God has a very special purpose for our little girl. I call her the "Love Muffin" she must greet everyone, staff, patients, and familles. She brings so much joy to Mom and the other residents. One experience is with a younger woman that is learning impaired and is unable to speak many words. Her parents were visiting and motioned for me to bring Bella over. They were talking about their dog at home when they're daughter saw Bella and began laughing, her face could have lit New York City! She reached down and petted Bella laughing the whole time and clapping her hands. The look on her parents faces was pure joy! Then two days ago this woman saw Bella and came with the CNA laughing and clapping. She reached down petted Bella, looked up and said, "Soft puppy!" Bella takes it all in stride, elevators, wheelchairs, bells, shouts and all the other things which go on in an Alzheimer's unit. Almost everyone knows Bella by name from the front office to the different halls. She's making an amazing impression. She still has a lot of "puppy" in her even at 15 months old but her special smile and kisses goes a long way. The administrators call her a Therapy Dog even if she isn't certified!
I'm so glad God led me to you and I was able to bring Bella into our home. Even the Nurses tell me they're so happy I have her because she's a special blessing.
Thanks again and at some point I'll probably ask to bring another special puppy into our home. But first I have to make certain Mom is getting the best care and her needs are being met. I'll talk to you soon.
Much love and special puppy kisses,
Cherrie' and Bella