Saturday, December 27, 2008

A blessed Christmas from Heidi, NY State~

Dear Sue,

First, let me wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas and
New Year filled with God's richest blessings.

Enclosed are a few of our feeble attempts at pictures. If we wait much
longer she will be full grown. Our dream was to have a Christmas
picture of Heidi and Woody in front of the baby Jesus. After repeated
attempts we gave up. Actually, when we first put the figures out,
Heidi ran up to the infant and kissed Him on the lips. It was so sweet
and spontaneous. Over the next few weeks we will look for
opportunities to catch some better photos. She is due to be groomed
again, but I am hesitant to have her trimmed in this bitter cold
weather. Heidi is such a joy for all of us and I thank-you again. She
has the run of the place and sleeps in my bed. What a life! Woody
sleeps with Debra and likes some rest from her at night, as she wants
to mess with him constantly.

Love & Prayers,