Thursday, December 25, 2008
Blessings from Sparky~ Illinois
Hello "Mommy Sue",
This is "Sweet Sparky" from icy and Snowy Astoria, Illinois.
I wish I could send you a Christmas picture, but unfortunately the weather is so bad that my "Mommy Linda", has not been able to get to town for over a week, and so she cannot get any pictures developed. Due to icy roads my first family Christmas has been cancelled until Sunday. On Sunday I will get to met some more of my family. I just love people.The LP gas man came the other day and I just loved him. He picked me up and I tried to get his glasses. My "Mommy Linda" had to rescue him from me. What fun I had with him! I am now jumping up on the sofa. My "Mommy" wants me to be on the sofa because she said the other doggies before me slept on the sofa and she wants me to be able to do the same. She says it is comforting to have a dog by her. That sounds pretty neat to me. Oh by the way my Mommy said "thank you" for giving her the idea about how to protect me and the Christmas tree. You told her some people put play pens and doggy pens around them. Well she did not have any of those things, but did have a baby crib so she used two of the sides and put them in front of the tree. Our tree sits in the corner and that was all that was needed to keep me from jumping on it.
Even though I do not have a picture to send, my "Mommy" said we should write so we could wish you a most "Blessed Merry Christmas and good Healthy New Year to all the Martin family, and all the High Calling Cockers! I also hope all my brothers and sisters have a wonderful first Christmas and New Year in their new homes! One more thing my "Mommy" says even though I came in August I am the best Christmas present ever!
God Bless you all.
Sparky and Linda