Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Glorious Morning!~

Good morning!

As I was driving the kids to school this morning, the sunrise was indeed breathtaking. The sun was breaking over the horizon, giving off shining beams across the heavy cloud cover above. Hues of golds, purples, peach, oranges, corals, absolutely glorious! I could go on and on with all the color variations, rippling across the rows of clouds which seemed to be in scalloped edges, like the bottom of a palace tapestry. It brings to mind the scripture of the Lord's robes filling the temple, as He sits upon His throne. How glorious heaven must also be! We can only imagine~
Now, a mere half hour later, the sky is dreary and bleak, as the sun has risen up behind the heavy cloud cover. The sunrise reminded me of a hymn I learned as a child. I was surprised upon refreshing my mind with those verses a short while ago, how accurate they portrayed my morning experience.

Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Thou, the true, the only Light.
Sun of Righteousness, arise, Triumph o'er the shades of night.
DaySpring from on high, be near; DayStar, in my heart appear.

Dark and cheerless is the morn, Unaccompanied by Thee.
Joyless is the day's return Till Thy mercy's beams I see,
Till they inward light impart, Glad my eyes, and warm my heart.

Visit, then, this soul of mine, Pierce the gloom of sin and grief.
Fill me, Radiancy Divine, Scatter all my unbelief.
More and more Thyself display, Shining to the perfect day. Amen

This hymn certainly shows that no matter how bleak the day...no matter how bleak our lives, if we hold the love of the Lord in our hearts, He will bring those colors of majesty to the forefront of our minds, and we will remember that we exist for His glory. May we show forth His love and joy, no matter how dreary the day, to those around us, to honor Him in all we say and do.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.