It's me Momma Sue, peeking in to say Happy Fall to you. I hope you are proud of me, cause I am growed up now! I weigh 23 pounds and I am a good doggie. Doctor Gregg says I am the best Cocker he's ever knowed, and I guess that's sumpin! I ride like a big girl in the car and wave hi to all the kids, cause they all like me...tee, hee. My favorite ice cream is banilla, and I can twirl in the air like the leaves I like catchin, cause I don't wanna let em fall on my grass. I hold em high and run to Daddy Syd with my treasures. Doctor Gregg says all doggie ladies like you should get a star...what's a star Momma Sue...if I knowed I would get you one, cause you helped me start out good, and Momma Sharon says you should be blessed because of your High Calling. I wanna be blessed too Momma Sue, cause I think it must be sumpin good.
Daddy Syd is callin me from up them stairs, I gotta go get in my soft bed now...bye...I love you. This is your peanut, Bonny
Daddy Syd is callin me from up them stairs, I gotta go get in my soft bed now...bye...I love you. This is your peanut, Bonny