Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Aspen from Sparks, Nevada~

Dear mommy sue,
My new mommy today is taking me to this new place called ruby valley. She says my sister lady loves it there. She says it will have lots of snow for me to play in, since I can't seem to stay out of it. I am having lots of fun with my new sister lady. She did not like me so much in the beginning, but now we play a lot. She makes me really tired as she can run way faster than me, but I keep up pretty good. My new mommy got this pink thing for christmas so we can write you from the car now. Mommy has even shown me your new puppies,but they don't look anything like me. I hope you and mommy sophie have a wonderful new year and give all the puppies lots of kisses for me because I like to give lots of kisses

Love aspen

Cubby and Bailey from Indian Harbour Beach, Florida~

Sue- Congratulations on your new puppies! I just love the names- Bumble would be my first choice but it would be Mr. Bumble! You must like Charles Dickens! Our guys had a fun day on christmas and it's pretty cold here now- for Florida- so they have tons of energy and love to run around outside! I bought them two "educational toys"- the teacher in me made me do it- LOL and they love them. Bailey is the family genius! I can't wait to see the other puppies coming- you will be sooo busy again- and it's soo cold up there and snowy! Have a great week with school closed, kids off- what fun for you! Have a very happy and healthy new year! Love & hugs- Susan=

Monday, December 28, 2009

Betsy and Bonny from Au Train, Michigan~


Dearest, dearest friend,
We received your lovely Christmas greeting card today, and thank you very much. You must be floating on a sea of puppies by now. But we haven't had any time yet to sit and look through the nursery window due to all the business in our household. Our kids just left after 6 days of visit with us, and we haven't heard if they have arrived home safe yet or not. They left in a raging snowstorm with 60 mph winds and white-out conditions. What is normally an 8 hour trek will possibly turn into a 12 hour one....or more. Here are some Christmas Day photos for you>>>>>

Have a joyful 2010, and we will now relax and enjoy the pleasure of watching all the new puppies at your house.
We love you,
Pastor Syd, Sharon, Bonny & Betsy

Merry Christmas from Dixon & Christian, Columbus, Mississippi~

Dear Sue,

School is out! The boys (Dixon and Christian) are nestled in their bed. I hope you and your family are well! Today we are going to the tree farm to get our tree. They take you out on a Belgian horse- driven wagon, you cut your own tree, and they come back to pick you up. I can’t wait to take Dixon for his first time. He’s so curious!! I think he will love it! He is doing great!! Did I tell you that we took him to school? He was very well behaved and everybody loved him. Know that I think of you every day. I wish the sweetest blessings of Christmas for you and your family!! Be safe and stay well!

Love from Dixie,

Dixon, Tim, Christian, and Nancy

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holly and Baby's First Christmas~

Both Holly and Baby find one another fascinating on Christmas morning!

Drummer from Grand Junction, Colorado~

Hello, Sue!

And congratulations on the new puppies!!! I hope that Miss Flower had a nice
litter for you this time - that they were all strong and healthy! BTW - is
that a picture of your Christmas tree and staircase on the blog? It sure is

I hope that everyone is doing well and that you had some family time on
Christmas. I'm sure that you were busy with Rosie and Flower, but I'm sure
that you had to take a break at some time!

I've attached a couple of pictures - one of Drummer enjoying our white
Christmas and the other of him sleeping between our feet (Glenn's foot is on
the left and mine is on the right). The sleeping pic is not the best quality
because we had to use our cell phone to take it. That's how he'll often sleep.
Even when I'm cooking or standing by the table, he'll come over and lie down
with his head on my foot! I feel so guilty when I have to move!

Also, I wanted to mention that he sleeps in his crate with the blanket that
you sent with him. We wrapped a wind-up alarm clock in it to help him sleep
better and he snuggles right in!

Gotta run! Drummer just woke up from his nap!

Big Hugs!!

Mary :o)

Holly's First Christmas~

These two are great pals - how exciting to have a puppy on Christmas morning!!

Libbi's first Christmas (with Lani), Hamilton, Ohio~

Hello, Momma Sue! This is Libbi. Perhaps you will remember me... I am the puppy you raised to come to Ohio to keep Lani company so she wouldn't be lonely. We love each other a whole big bunch, and we play and play all the time!

Anyway, I'm having lots of fun here in Ohio, and Lani is very sweet to me. She shares all of her toys with me (even when she doesn't really want to), and helps me learn what not to do here so I stay out of trouble. I'm still learning.... Mommy and Daddy say I am a "work in progress", and I keep them very busy. I'm just having fun!

Yesterday, Santa came to our house! It was LOTS of fun opening my presents. I liked the bows and paper even better than the presents! Mommy and Daddy took the bows and paper away from me, 'cause they said I wasn't supposed to eat them. They seemed like chew toys to me!

Anyway, Mommy and Daddy took a picture of all of us that they wanted me to send to you. Mommy is holding me, and Daddy is holding Lani. We are all in front of a great big chew toy that Mommy and Daddy call a "Christmas Tree". Daddy says he will be relieved when it comes down, so I don't have to get yelled at so much...

Lani and I hope you like the picture. We also want to wish you Momma Sue, our birth Mommies Daisy and Jingles, our birth Daddy Cubby, and all the other Martin clan a VERY Merry Christmas and a Great New Year! My adopted Mommy and Daddy, Pam and Ken, send their best too! We all love you!

Merry Christmas from Miss Flower~

We are announcing Miss Flower's Christmas Day litter! I will be notifying my waiting list soon! How awesome to have two litters born on the same day that we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas! God is good!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Puppies~!

Well,....I can't believe it! Rosie was due December 21st, and she held off until Christmas Day! I got up to check on her once again, at 4 AM, and found her in active labor. So for all you who have been checking in, we are having puppies! We have two so far...a girl and a boy. They are nice and big...fat and healthy. I will need to think up more Christmas puppy names! God is good! Thank you Lord!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Millie from Pittsfield, Massachusetts~

Hi Sue: Millie is dictating this letter to you and your family. She finds the keyboard hard to use.
My humans are taking very good care of me. Now that my master has retired we get to go on
long walks when the weather is nice. It is great he tells his friends that he does not have Miller Time;
but that he has Millie Time.

I am doing well have have attached 2 pictures of myself. I hope Santa will be good to me because I
have been a very, very good pup this year.

My humans wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Millie, Kathy and Bill

Lexi and Mandi from Washington State~

We want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and to thank you for such lovely girls, they make each and every day exciting.
(Mandi is on the left, Lexi on the right)

Debbie, Lexi and Mandi

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Sunny Day" from Laconia, New Hampshire~

Dear Sue ~

Merry Christmas from Sunny Day in New Hampshire! Here’s a picture of Sunny with her sisters Kissie (the Cocker) and Penny (the Sheltie). They are all great friends especially Sunny and Penny who play and play for hours – tug o’ war, doggy 500 around the house, etc! This picture was taken on Sunny’s 12 week birthday. She’s doing very well with her house training and rings a bell near the door when she wants to go out (mostly). She’s full of energy and likes to take walks on her leash. This past weekend she met her groomer, Barbara, when her sisters went to be beautified and she’ll be joining them soon on regular visits for baths and haircuts! I wasn’t sure Barbara was going to give her back!
Sending our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Mike & Robin

Kissie, Penny & Sunny

Sparky's Christmas Story...from Astoria, Illinois~

Dear Mommy Sue,

I want to tell you a I have been told. It "Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not even a creature was stirring, not even me, Sparky! Well, okay I added that, but I think I like my story better. What do think Mommy Sue? As you can see I am quite busy checking the Christmas tree out behind this yellow gate thing. I do not know why my Mommy puts this in front of the tree? The tree has many things I would like to play with, but I have been told I cannot, but I try to... just a little. It has been pretty busy here with getting ready for Christmas. I will have a family Christmas this Christmas Eve, and maybe I will get a present, if I am good boy.
I hope you and the entire Martin family, and all the High Calling Cockers are doing well, and have a Blessed Christmas and Wonderful New Year.
Of course, Mommy Sue, I will end my story with MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND TO ALL A GOOD-NIGHT!

Sparky and my Mommy Linda

Finnegan from Ellijay, Georgia~

Susan, here are the babies after a morning of play.
Merry Christmas,
Bob and Tammy

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Libby from Lewiston, New York~

Libby had her vet visit today and saw Dr. Adamcak and Kathleen. They were happy to see her again. Libby was so good at the vets today when they saw she was one of the Martin puppies everyone had to see her. She is 7 pounds 4ozs.and just perfect. I am sending a picture of Libby with Kat Mer-its always nice to have a friend to nap with after a busy day.LOL Merry Christmas to you and your family from everyone here at our household.
Blessing to all
Brenda and George

Legend of the Candy Cane~

I hope you enjoy this Legend of the Candy Cane as much as I did this morning. All you have to do is click on "Start" and it will do the rest. I will never look at a Candy Cane quite the same again~ Merry Christmas!
Copy and paste the link below into your browser window~

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bonny, Betsy and Pastor Syd~

Now we are finally home from our long journey and there are 3 resting in one chair...LOL!
We love you, and thanks again for our two wee cocker angels.
Pastor Syd & Sharon

Betsy and Bonny from Au Train, Michigan~

Hi Sue,

Just got back from the vet with the girls and found your note.
Betsy is doing fine....she now weighs in at a whopping 5 1/2 pounds...LOL! Dr. Tim says she is very healthy, although diminutive.....he clipped her nails and loved her up, said that she is a lovely wee puppy!
These aren't the best pictures of Dr. Tim, but I caught him off guard...haha! And Betsy is a squirmer!

Bonny now weighs 25 pounds, and he is very happy with her development. Dr. Tim is very pleased with both girls, and gave us his best puppy speech of course for Betsy's sake....LOL!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ziva from Howard City, Michigan~

Hi Sue,
We did some pictures yesterday.........I hope to send you a few more of just Ziva in the next few days.
She has become a beautiful young lady and has many qualities of both Sophie and Cubby.
She has the softest hair of any cocker I have ever had! I am hoping it is still not just puppy hair???? I would think she is her adult hair since she is 10 months old now.
I am sending a picture of "The Three Amigo's".
The black cocker is my daughter Mandy's ..Ziva's "sister" Zoë is in the center and of course Ziva..what a trio they are!!!!!!!
I will be watching for the newest arrivals any day.........what a very busy time of year for you.......
Have a Very Merry Christmas and I will send you a few more pictures of Ziva when I receive them.
God Bless..
Pat and Ziva

Blossom from Northfield, Vermont~

Hi Sue:

I check the blog everyday and I love seeing all the new puppies in their forever homes. They all look so very happy and precious. Those little faces are just georgeous just can't get enough of them. Blossom sends her love.


Blossom from Northfield, Vermont~

Hi mama Sue here I am trying to get some shut eye and my mom thought it
would be nice to send you some recent pictures of me. I love my home the
people here are very nice. They say because I have been a good girl Santa
will bring me some cookies and put them under this thing called a Christmas
tree we have in our house. It is very pretty I watched my mom decorate it
and she was very impressed I didn't try and help. We had Christmas music on
and the lights are very beautiful. I sniffed around it to check it out and
decided it can stay for a while. My mom's computer is right beside it and I
have my very own footstool right by mom's computer table and I lay there
while she is on her computer. She is my best bud.

Warm hugs and wet puppy kisses
Blossom and Mom

Drummer Boy from Grand Junction, Colorado~

I've attached some new pictures - I hope that they are not too dark. We need
to try to get some during the day. One of the pictures is Drummer sleeping on
his back with the doggie that you sent with him.

I hope that Rosie is doing OK and that you will find great homes for
all of your new puppies! We sure love our little guy!

Big Hugs!

Mary :o)

Drummer Boy from Grand Junction, Colorado~

Hi, Sue!

Are you snowed in? Did you get hit with that blizzard that the East coast got?
I hope that you're doing OK!

Drummer is doing very well. He's becoming more active and playful and is such
a joy! He loves his toys, but I think his favorite is the leash! I can't get
him to stop chewing on it - even though I spray it with "Yuck". I guess I need
to soak it in it! LOL!

Maisy from Rockledge, Florida~

Molly is getting used to Maisy, and is becoming quite the big sister. Maisy enjoys going to work with her daddy and Molly everyday. She is the talk of the store:)

We cannot thank you enough for this new blessing in our home. We love her dearly. You can tell from the pictures:)

Happy Holidays and God Bless.

Rose Ann, Greg, and Madison

Maisy from Rockledge, Florida~


We want to wish you and your family a blessed Christmas. We also want to tell you how wonderful Maisy is and how much she likes her new home. She is already sitting on command, shaking on command, comes when called, and this morning she rang the bells at the front door to go out! She plays like a wound up toy and then drops like a lead ballon!